На 14 февруари 2020 г. в Страсбург, Франция, адв. Русинова представи пред 40 колеги /адвокати, съдии, прокурори и представители на академията/ лекция на тема „Международно отвличане на деца – нова съдебна практика на Европейския съд по правата на човека“. Презентацията бе част от конференцията на Академията по европейско право „Нова съдебна практика на Европейския съд по правата на човека по семейноправни въпроси“.
Дискутираните теми и решения на ЕСПЧ в лекцията с фокус върху дела по Хагската конвенция за гражданските аспекти на международното отвличане на деца от 1980 г. включват:
- неправомерно задържане или отвеждане на деца – Adžić v Croatia
- отвличане на деца в нарушения на съдебни решения по родителски права – Simoes Balbino v Portugal, Andersena v Latvia, Vladimir Ushakov v Russia, Lacombe v France
- домашно насилие и международно отвличане на деца – OCI v Romania.
Извадка от доклада относно лекцията на адв. Русинова:
„The second day of the conference started with the presentation of Nadia Rusinova, attorney-at-law and lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Science, on international child abduction. She discussed i.a. the issue of domestic violence in child abduction cases. Several questions can be raised in this regard, for example: what constitutes domestic violence? When should a court accept the domestic violence to be established? What is adequate protection in light of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction (1980) and who decides on this? In the case O.C.I. and others v Romania, one of the questions was whether there is such a thing as light violence that does not amount to a grave risk in the sense of Article 13(1)(b) of the Hague Convention. The ECtHR approached this issue very critically and stated that no form of corporal punishment is acceptable. Regarding the adequate measures, the Court stated that domestic authorities have a discretion to decide what is adequate but the measures should be in place before ordering the return of the child. Another point raised by Ms. Rusinova is the time factor that is required. If one looks at Article 11(2) of the Hague Convention and at Article 11(3) of the Brussels IIbis Regulation together, six weeks is the required time period for the return proceedings. The Brussels IIbis Recast clarified that the procedure should take no more than six weeks per instance. However, according to Ms. Rusinova it is hardly possible to do the procedures in six weeks; it will only work when the proceeding is not turned into an adversarial proceeding in which all kinds of claims of both parents are dealt with. „
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